
Speak english : an asset for your career

25 Jan 2018


English is the mother tongue of more than 400 million people in the world, the official language of 53 countries and is used daily by many companies. Speaking English has become essential to everyone’s daily life may it be at work, at school or when travelling.


English: the first language in the professional world

English is one of the skills most demanded by recruiters. Whatever your position and your professional sector are, mastering English is a true asset for your career because it enables you to be more flexible regarding the missions you are given.

If your professional sector relates to business, technology, communication, it is even more important to understand English. It will enable you to conduct searches via scientific articles, most of the time written in English.

If you want to benefit from all professional opportunities, speaking English is necessary. It should be noted that companies open up to the world and are more and more international. Often in this case, the language to communicate internally is English, no matter what the country in which the company is located in. Note that when a job offer is said “international”, a very good knowledge and command of English is essential.

Communicating in English will enable you to obtain missions abroad because English is THE language for international exchanges. Moreover, English is the language used by companies to communicate abroad in the professional world because it has been established as the common language.

To summarize, no matter what your sector is, English is essential in the professional world.


Stand out in English: the certification

You already speak English very well? You want to value your language skills? Think about certifications! The most famous in English are the TOEIC, the TOEFL and the Bright Language. Adding your certification and the score obtained at the exam on your CV enables recruiters to identify clearly your English level.

Obtaining a certification enables you do stand out of the crowd, to add value to your CV and gives you an advantage over your competitors during a recruitment.

Distinguish yourself as of now and look into preparing yourself to pass a certification in English.


Improve your professional English

You want to improve your professional English in order to open doors and ensure your career? Pass a job interview? Enter an international company? Work abroad? 

Polyglottes Formations gives you the opportunity do get the career of your dreams. We prepare you efficiently to speak and understand professional English adapted to your sector.

Set objectives for yourself and we will help you reach them.